Sunday, January 26, 2014

Week 1 Marathon Training Successfully COMPLETED

I have now officially started my 16 week marathon training program 15 weeks left if were getting technical.  I feel healthy now since my couple week fight with bronchitis earlier this month, with only a residual cough. The past week consisted of 4 runs (totaling 15 miles), of which only one was outdoors.  The frigid temperatures and the wind chills are going to make the treadmill my best friend for the next few weeks, unfortunately.  Besides my runs, I did three intense WODs at Crossfit Fast Factory, giving my legs a run for their money. One of the WODs was "Karen" (150 wall balls).  Boy, did that get spicy fast!  Somewhere in there I also managed to get out snowshoeing and cross-country skiing.

In other news, I went to an appointment at Great Steps Orthotics & Prosthetics to have my orthotics adjusted for the increased running mileage. In the past, they have been sufficient for up to the half marathon distance, but quite painful at the end. My provider reassured me the orthotics would work for additional mileage and he removed some of the hard material in the arch to make them more comfortable!  I will need to check back with him about halfway through my training to ensure they are doing the job and to make any changes. Woohoo!  I'm pumped about the options for my orthotics and my providers willingness to work with me.  I see another pair of Asics Nimbus will be in my future!

I also tried a new recipe from and thought it was worth a share. I am not usually a huge fan of pork chops but these were delicious with a twist!
Roasted Grape and Onion Pork Chops

Cook time

Total time


Serves: 4

  • 4 pork chops
  • 2 cups red, seedless grapes
  • 1 medium red onion, sliced
  • 2 tablespoons Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil – 1 tablespoon melted
  • 1 tablespoon crushed rosemary
  • salt and pepper, to taste

  1. Preheat you oven to 400 degrees.
  2. Place your grapes and sliced onions on a baking sheet, drizzle 1 tablespoon of melted coconut oil over the top and mix to coat the onions and grapes.
  3. Bake for 15-20 minutes of until the grapes burst. Be careful to not burn them. I did. Fail.
  4. When your grapes are almost done cooking, heat up a large skillet over medium heat and add your remaining tablespoon of coconut oil.
  5. Season both sides of your pork chops with salt, pepper, and rosemary.
  6. When pan is hot, add your pork chops and cook on both sides for 5-8 minutes (depending on the thickness of your pork chops) or until completely cooked through.
  7. There should be no pink inside your pork chop.
  8. When grapes are done roasting, remove from oven and let cool for a couple minutes.
  9. Top your pork chops off with grapes and onions then SERVE!
  10. Delish!

I have quite the culinary skills!  ;)

And I will leave you with this thought that I ran across the past week no pun intended!

Saturday, January 11, 2014


Hello again!  It has been a little while since my last post, but no fear I am back at it!!  First, here are a few stats and highlights from my 2013 race season and then my goals for 2014!

2013 Participation

-Seven 5K events (two being winter 5K obstacle courses and one a 5K trail run)
-One 10K
-Three Half Marathons
-Eight Sprint Triathlons (one indoor tri and one part of a relay team)
-One Olympic Triathlon
-One Duathlon

Highlights Of The Season

-A 3rd place AG podium finish at the Northwoods Triathlon
-Completing my first Olympic distance triathlon
-Completing my first duathlon

2014 Goals

-Complete my first marathon this coming May
-Complete my first half ironman distance this coming July
-Dial in my nutrition to eat to fuel my body, cut out the junk and processed foods
-Maintain at least one day a week of crossfit during my busy triathlon summer months (last year I look 2 1/2 months off from crossfit and it showed)

In other news I was supposed to start my 18 week marathon training plan this past Monday. However, due to an ongoing battle with bronchitis, that is/was not happening. Now I am on to a 16 week training plan and hope to be 100% healthy for the start of that program.

I picked up a couple books yesterday for motivation and training purposes!  A shout out goes to Too Tall Fritz for the heads up on the WOD book!  Check out her blog: