Saturday, July 13, 2013

YES!!!! I finally made it on the podium......just kidding...

Today was almost a perfect weather day for racing Graniteman Clearwater, in my opinion at least!  The skies were overcast, the humidity was lower, and the temperature was 71-73 degrees. The only negative part was the 15-20+ mile per hour winds.

Overall Results

Swim:  15:40 (0.46 mile)
T1:  1:22 
Bike:  50:07 (15 miles)
T2:  1:34
Run:  28:52 (3.1 miles)

Total Time:  1:37:33

The swim portion of the race is very unique as it was a swim across the triangles, squares, circles or isosceles triangles.  I also was very comfortable in the lake as this is where I do the majority of my open water swim training.

The exit chute on the swim.  The start is on the beach at the opposite side. 

Out of the water!

The bike was a nice flat and fast route, especially when the wind was at my back. When it wasn't it was a bit of a different story. The headwinds and crosswinds put my legs to the test. 

Finally, the run was an out and back which included trail and road. I was ill prepared for the trail run...yikes!  The first mile seemed to be nothing but uphill on the trail. I thought I had lost my legs from the bike.  Picking my line was important as there was sand, mud, and grass to contend with.  The road was a brilliant sight as I was excited for the change in terrain. 

Heading out on the run with Packmate Jesse!

After the race I headed over to check out my results.  As I looked I saw I was 3/9 in my age group, I was pumped!  FINALLY, I made it on the podium!!!!  And then about 30-40 minutes later, the let down came...I was told that the results were wrong and I came in 4th. Of course I was a little bummed, but thought at least maybe I could win a door prize.  No such luck!  Oh well, the race was still very enjoyable.  I will continue to train hard and the results will come. 

Stop back next week for an update from Tri For A Cause! 

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